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Touch Base
One-on-one Touch Bases are a great way to get more of a personalized bootcamp to help you reach your goals specific to you. This is an opportunity to ask questions, set goals and check in on your progress. These meetings are typically 10-30 minutes long and can happen every week or bi-weekly.
To get the most out of your touch bases with Coach Kristy, be sure to come prepared. Keep track of any questions you would like to ask that might have came up throughout the week. Some questions that are usually covered (but not limited to):
Goal(s) for the week?
Workout schedule for the week?
How is your eating habits?
Drinking enough water?
What is an opportunity from last week?
What will you do differently to prevent the same opportunity to occur?
What is a win from last week?
STRONG Nation technique notes/questions from class.
What can Coach Kristy do to help you reach your goals?
To schedule your weekly one-on-one with Kristy,
click on "Book Now" button below.
Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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